Krogan Genophage
Did the Greeks and Roman view each others Gods as one and the same?
A figure my dad got me of Hypnos!!
When you become religious
Any interactions between the sea gods?
Beautiful Artworks of Western and Eastern Dragons by @hopechristofferson from Instagram.
What did you do on New Tunchanka with Clan Nakmor?
Cerberus is depicted in virtually all modern media as this gigantic creature, but do any ancient sources actually describe him as being any larger than a regular dog?
Beautiful Artworks depicting the 3 God King and Goddess Queen couple by @mrsbutterd from Instagram.
Where can I find all of the stories?
Did Eros and Thanatos ever met?
The Olympians by George ‘o Connor
[OC] Recently coloured my Aphrodite illustration! Swipe for the inked original + my roster of redesigned Olympians so far 🤘
Excuse me, but how does one actually get into Elysium?
Icarius and Tyndareus
If you could have any power(s) from a god of mythology, what would they be, and what would you represent?
Who do you worship and Why?
How does a primordial deity have a physical form?
National vs Oscar
some shots from the depths
Is this a Greek god of any kind, and if so who?
Out of all the Greek heros, who is your least favorite?
i really like how aggressive Eos look
Mission to clear Eos