Why Men Throw Their Lives Away Attacking An Armed Witcher... I'll Never Know. Something Wrong With My Face?
I think my Ciri is tired from fighting the Crones...
Should i let this pervert go? (I'm sorry for his dad)
What keeps you playing and engaged in GTA online after so long?
What is your favourite piece of Witcher lore?
What are some good ways you've found to make money without grinding Cayo for hours on end and actually having fun?
Will 6 have rideable horses?
This game easily has the best and most fun fishing mechanic for a game that has no need for it, the fact they added this in when recently in modern day gaming developers don't even put care into their main systems is incredible.
Can we all agree
It's my 3rd run and I am playing low honor for the first time. It's only chapter 2 and I am questioning my own morality
Is GTA Worth it?
I always wondered why they left Mexico in the middle of its making.
About those illegal blank firers - Has anyone tried to do a chargeback?
I accidently shot this horse and when i wanted to execute it it gave me this sad look so i revived and kept the horse
can they PLEASE just release trailer 2 already to five me a GLIMPSE of hope for this game
The nostalgia of watching this loading screen in GTA V and remembering when you were younger trying to hide it when parents were around
Is WWZ server down again?
Which GTA character would you most like to be friends with?
Difficulty [kcd2]
Service dog knows before owner, responds like a good boy 🥹