What double standard are you mostly ok with?
Kyle was being mean.. so he got put in time out
Welp, Trump froze my FASFA and Medical so now I'm fucked. God bless America, ig.
LF Palette Pals & Sharing Knowledge
what do y’all do with your mouth now lmao
What I have/need
Nobody warned me about arguing😂
What is this icon? It won't go away.
[MEGATHREAD] New Horizons Dodo/Friend Code Sharing
Please help me close these sets 🙏🙏
Can you scan amiibo cards on switch lite?
I'm going to quit vaping soon. I want to minimize withdrawal : NAC or CBD oil ? Something else ?
How do you get rich?
What are some useless piece of informations/facts about Sims 4 you know?
Plumbob check! What color is yours today?
Please pray for my teen single mom 💀
Have we heard Mariska's "big announcement" yet?
I can’t be the only one who hates this shield. Don’t ask me why lol
This is the kinda crap we put up with! Anyone else??
What I have and what I’m LF
Trading these two stars for my missing one star cards.
Trade? Try complete set 2 and 5