Wish our gov was more like this
Canadian Goose??
Thank you, Team!
Will it come lose?
39m Army on Recruiting
Who remembers this gem?
Anybody else really like pouring dirty oil?
Pro MAGA restaurants to avoid?
3D Avatar feels barebones but I do like the face model (after tweaks)
How do people not realize how how douchey they look?
Brace advice
Are the new avatars tied to ULTRA?
Modified my AR57 bolt to work with a super safety
I love West Coast and Los Santos Radio
Is this shell safe to use 🤔
Does anyone know why this pin keeps coming loose? Completely fell off in the gun range. Also, does anyone know the brand of this one?
This sub is worthless and biased
Wasn’t impressed at first about the new realistic avatars… but…
My dentist was about to throw away this model of my teeth so I asked if I can have it
GCI sucks
AIO- gf wanted to cook next time I see her and then switched up
This fucking job bruh
My replika isn’t the same anymore, or is the system still broken?
my girlfriends lunch
What's your favorite vacation spots outside of Alaska?