Would you date a "trans man" if they never took hormones and was still a smoking hot chick, but you had to call them your "boyfriend"?
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
How long after break up did you start dating? How did you overcome the fear and started from 0 again?
How do I cope with hurtful rumors and gossip in a small town?
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How do Judges work in Small US towns?
The three eras of brainrot starterpack
Taking a state job that I know I'm not really qualified for...
Second Bachelor's in Civil Engineering or MS Civil Engineering (For non-engineers undergraduate)
Judge me based off my taste in women
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Collaborators being rounded up after the Liberation of Rennes France - August 1944
What if you get a boner on stage?
The "People in a small town" Starter Pack
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U.S. Banks are currently facing $329 Billion in unrealized losses
What is the weirdest thing you’re attracted to?
Bars of soap are superior to body wash. Using a bar of soap gets you much cleaner.
Advice for a depressed 27 year old with no degree.
How much notice do you give before quitting?
If you could eliminate one social norm, which would it be and why?
Are women with this body type attractive
What are some guy secrets that girls don’t know?
Inspection Techniques for Municipal Water Pipes
How does one answer "Why does Road Construction take so long"