Florida man calls 911 asking for help to "assassinate" Trump
Mature people of Reddit, what one piece of advice can you give to youngsters, so they won't repeat your mistakes?
Taking a copyright class should be mandatory to get a degree in 2025
Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what could you be reincarnated as?
Blursed billboard
What does this favorability chart say about me?
Does anyone miss high-school?
Would carti drink this?
Do you listen to (or have a positive opinion on) at least one of the artists in the description?
What's the best way to drink coffee?
Do you prefer iced or hot coffee?
What is your opinion of China?
Would you subscribe to a YouTube "Premium Lite"?
Will you buy the switch 2?
Who is current president of United States?
You draw really bad
I ONLY Played 3ds For 30 Days [23:27]
Bought a laptop for one sole purpose that isn't school or work related
If you can have ANY 3 handhelds but you can ONLY have these 3 handhelds, what would you have?
What age do you want to have kids?
How old were you when you started working?
Older gen z when was ur first time getting drunk. How old were u and what drink was it
Genuine question: why are Gen Zers looped into the “this generation isn’t having kids” complaint when we aren’t in our thirties yet?
To be against processed food.