Jared Neuss has left Blizzard
George Lowe, the voice of Space Ghost has passed away
Jared Neuss has officially left the Overwatch Team, thank you Jared for your hardwork with OW2!
The ow1 nostalgia is hitting hard this week
Playing around on a new account and accidentally prompted this dialogue.
Now that the dust has settled, people were way too harsh on Hazard
Might be the weakest battlepass ever because why are we re using an 8 year old mvp animation on 2 different heroes in one BP. 😭
Now that we've had some time, what are your takes on the individual perks?
Neighbors dumped this sweet girl when they moved. Looks like I've got a new cat now.
New Dva Minor Perk Ideas
AMA with the Overwatch team - ask about perks, Stadium, Season 16, and more!
What do you think the ceiling is for Stadium?
The discussions about perks and S15 really shows how much bad faith there is in overwatch internet discourse
Sign Up to Join the Overwatch 2 Stadium Playtest!
People who prefer 5v5, if the game were to be shifted back to 6v6, are there any changes the devs could implement to make the transition easier to swallow? If not, why?
Both of my Mystery Eggs had a Larvesta in it
Mei’s Rainy Day skin is the cutest skin they’ve ever released
Overwatch has improved to mixed reviews on steam
Perk Cheat Sheet With Icons
S15 minuscule datamining
Loot boxes are back because Overwatch 2 “wasn’t rewarding enough,” director says
Reacting to OW2 Spotlight (Perks, Freja, Stadium) - Plat Chat Overwatch Ep 254 ft. Rakattack
Stadium looks infinitely cooler than the canceled Hero Mode
I bought a few packs of 25 Century Bonanza on a whim and unpacked these back to back, what are the odds?
Isn't this what we wanted? Is there anything that would please y'all?