What are some double standards that you hate about this generation?
League City Teslas hit
heck ya
This was on my windshield this morning
Plz let me find a relationship like this someday 🙏
I caught my sister. What do I do?
Truth Post From Trump. Do you agree with this sentiment?
Should I get back into building?
OMG a mazda CX
Boy oh boy.
Umm there's a all out war going on ...
i’m a photographer, drop a picture and i’ll rate/give advice
'You Don't See All The Things That Led Up To This': Rubio Defends Trump ...
My mechanical pencil that requires a sharpener
Why do we try?
why do honor roll students think C's are a failing grade?
Is dude a gender neutral term?
What if Putin gets assassinated tomorrow?
Does my mom think of me as the daughter she didn’t have?
A model kit I completed from my favorite series
Guys, am I going to hell 😭💔
what is something you learned in history class at school that you will never forget?
Man, Its taking me every fiber in my body to not box my brother
Man, Fat Acceptance is Stupid
Who is the most attractive anime character?