What's the MOST UNDERRATED song on Evermore? 🌲 [Day 4#]
Day 4 of trying to get a comment from every us county!
Our pup looks like a black mouth cur mix but DNA tests indicate otherwise. Thoughts?
LPT: If you have something stuck in your eye and can’t get it out, lift your upper eyelid over your bottom eyelid so that they overlap and then look upwards. Whatever was stuck in there will almost always come out.
All of your chats are leaked what is the next thing you do (50% image related)
J.D is hot and I'm sick of pretending he's not
Jarvis lowk fine?
Things are okay with me these days
Rank the songs on The Stranger
Describe a Conan Gray song very very poorly
Describe a Nirvana song very very poorly
Show me a picrew and I'll pick a song that it reminds me of!
I don’t know who or what Jarvis is, AMA
AITA for calling my sister privileged when she had her baby?
Are callused hands hot?
People affected by the loneliness epidemic, how are you ?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I hate the connotations people assign to the word fanfiction.
Hope this is allowed! I thought I lost this in a move years ago, but I was going through some old boxes and found it, almost full too! 😭
I found my dress! Bow or no bow?
mine is bad blood! what's yours
What Taylor Swift lyric do you take as a hard-hitting lesson/advice?
What is something about Taylor you don't relate to with, being one of your favourite artists?
What is the 1 song that you could swear it is written about you?
Which lyric makes you say "I'm feeling very attacked!"?
Should I have a high slit or pockets added during alterations? Adding buttons down the back for sure!
What are you proud of the most?