Why people play like this?
There’s nothing wrong with using duel reclaimers
there arent sweats at everythi-
I got all of them 🙂
anyone else think mw3 felt really smooth to play after playing bo6
Who’s your favourite character?
Hit level 10 mining with level 0 farming…
Is this random sticker familiar to any of yall
Who the fuck loves VampirecunT here??
I’m a photographer and I took these pictures
Disappointed with the profanity filter
Is this stuff AI or am i just overreacting
Which [COD] is better?
Have any of you guys seen the recent Static-X lineup play at any of the festivals they’ve been on?
Was browsing some old games and completely forgot I made this over 6 years ago
plan for meadowlands farm - critique pls
Shall I stop here?
Favorite Catchphrase
Is the code still valid ?
So close
So long and thanks for all the fish yall
Doing this again, give me some recommendations off more of my collection
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How do people think MW2 (2022) is the best modern COD???