I lost the bars to my expert marksmanship Pin -
What was my grandfather up to?
I am wondering what these mean on my cousin in laws uniform
Inside the Nuclear Ship Savannah's Reactor Compartment
Help with identification
Antique rosary from the Holy Land with a relic
Why do we keep putting up with bad songs at Mass?
Tribute Shadowbox Advice
Retired CMDCM(SS)
NUPOC Minimum Age
CR920xp question.
Rate help, submarine-volunteered applicant here.
Underway Gifts
20 years, US Navy
Would y'all do nuke reserves if it existed?
If My Husband and I Convert, do we have to Remarry?
Award Empathy
Anyone wear minis?
Analog Gauges and Parallax
I agree
What is the significance of the pellegrina? And can any bishop/priest wear it? Or does it mean jurisdiction?
Could a Nuke be considered a Snipe?
[submarine trivia] Name that equipment and tell a sea story about it.
How can I make this look more Roman Catholic and less Eastern Orthodox
Which band is arguably the best alternative rock band from 80s?
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