How do you feel about HUT being Frankenstein?
Abel’s best run of his career
Yeah , I think hurry up tomorrow is pretty good , ( also I watched true detective season 1 so I’m literally rust cohle )
Top 10 songs from 2025 all HUT
The list had to be updated
I want to listen to after hours
Which song off HUT has potential to be the next big hit?
Gone was The Weeknd, and now The Weeknd is gone!
HUT ranked 1-10
Why is São Paulo catching so many strays?
My HUT ratings after nonstop listening for nearly a month
Is this a valid Top 10?
My Dear Melancholy, A timeless classic.
Only bangers, im tired of the hate and slam!
Is it bad to only want to listen to The Weeknd?
Enough mike dean
How HUT made me a Weeknd fan
HUT First Pressing Edition analysis - Why does it exist? Tracklist & Narrative breakdown (Swipe left for photos and discussion)
Always been a light fan - where to begin with the weeknd/abel lore lol
With the similarities between Andre and Jimmy, it got me thinking.
Woooo wo wo wo woooo
Was February a dream ?
When will HUT streams overtake other albums?
Yall need to chill bruh