Hello, Father Fireking here
Dandelion Ass - The Four Goddesses
What would happen to this horse if it went through the portal to Equestria?
Are you an atheist?
Luna - Guiding Dreams
Discussion thread
I would convey this message with wisdom and grace.
Celestia oh Celestia
Remember the C.S.R.C?
The Princesses graciously giving everypony gifts!
To all Celestianists, just before the hearts warming season begins.
Hearth's Warming Eve is soon here! Happy Hearth's Warming to everypony!
Reissue of an old song I did long ago. https://youtu.be/RM73ESyo7Gg
Celestianism for us serious Bronys
Worried about healthcare in Sweden
Do you think that both Celestia and Luna are aromantic and asexual?
We learn through our lives, learn through watching others lives. Through hardship, friendship any ship.... Let Celestia stand by your side, every day!
In about some hours, we will reveal our plans about the Sun and the Moon. Celestianism.com
The Sun and the Moon
You ever think about how strong, scientifically, Celestia and Luna are?
Hjälp mig! Supersen för skoluppgift: Ge mig era listor på vad som är "typiskt Svenskt"!
Varför ska jag skydda min energidrycksburk från "främmande" lukter?
Rarity, drawn by me