Canada retaliating for Trump’s tariffs with 25 per cent tariffs on billions of U.S. goods
Any discounts buying a car year-end?
Movies like: A Perfect Murder, Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, The Net
I Am Going To Eat You
/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 62
Shoe ID Please
Halloween (1978) Pumpkin
My Ranking after first watch
BC Election General Discussion Thread
[First time voter] Just voted today. Was there anything unusual about my voting process?
What are you most nostalgic about lately?
Champagne “The Drizzler” Papi is officially a confirmed Reddit lurker 😈 we won guys
STRIKE Megathread 3! Discussions of the PSAC strike (posted Apr 19, 2023)
Todays Sentiments
Another Witness on Tik Tok claiming to have had an encounter with Brian at a bar in West Yellowstone Montana on August 26th around 10:15pm
Nanos: LPC 34, CPC 30.7%, NDP 18.6%, BQ 6.6%, PPC 5.1%, Green 4.1%
NFL Daily Discussion - 1/17/21 (Sunday)
NBA Daily Discussion - 8/20/20 (Thursday)
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” ― Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven
There are 2 farmers, Jim and Bob, sitting in a Bar having a beer..