I'm 22, and a 17 year old wants to be my friend. Is that OK?
I see a lot of woman say they’ve never been hit on. I see a lot that think it’s rude to get hit on. How do you tell the difference before hitting on!?!?
Best proven way to hook up with someone?
Is there an application you can download that limits the db output of your microphone?
What do you call the genre of rap that doesn't constantly talk about drugs, money, and pussy?
Normal for laptop CPU to be running at ~80 Celsius when only being used 30 percent with fans maxed?
What company makes long but not wide T-shirts?
Are crawfish boils healthy? How healthy are they?
Why do so many towns seem to be built around a railroad?
Is the compliment "you have pretty eyes" ever used in regular friendships or would you consider it making a move?
To the NCOs: Have you ever done a room inspection and saw sex toys laying out?
Is adultery in the Air Force only with married people, or with people that are dating too?
Just got cheated on, she slept with about 7 guys while with me. Better to find someone else or just kinda chill?
Is the average pickup airsoft game a free for all when it comes to clothing?
Why do airsoft players wear all of that gear? Is it just roleplay?
How much training do people usually get after getting into airsoft?
How can I be myself when most of the people I meet do not enjoy myself as company?
Is there a way to go back to basic training?
What are the chances it works out?
Why do houses get torn down?
Are some people meant to just not have a S/O?
How am I supposed to believe I am attractive if no one has ever told me so?
How is it that I haven’t been able to hook up on tinder?
Why have we not made tactile mouses yet?
Are woman OK with the standard pickup lines, "can I get your number", "can we hangout sometime" or a variation after 15 seconds of small talk, or is more attention gained from a more unique one?