Alternative names for Close, Near and Far?
How can I as a girl be better at sex?
Only Trump capable of class and dignity: Barron Trump shakes hands with Biden
a normal holiday at the fazenda
Danish journalist claimed that people peed their pants in public when she visited Japan?
Be a rock for your students
Name for a class that rides an animal? I have already considered "rider" which seems too plain or "equestrian" which seems too horse-specific.
Is Elon Ok?
Chrono Trigger - Intro
Recommend me a podcast that’s long and boring but isn’t specifically made for sleep.
For a trade-sized game book, which alignment do you prefer for the block text? Justified or left-aligned?
Why do some Black people choose such distinctive names for their children?
Legally distinct albino dinosaure
I can't go back to the books I used to like
How feasible is it for America to annex Canada and make it part of America?
Family book club with a twist
George was ahead of his time
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: Who’s your guy and why?
Which one do you think Helicoprion looked like?
Even after all these years, Fatal Fury the Motion Picture (1994) is still peak
I love Tolstoy, I can’t get into Dostoyevsky. Am I alone?
If u could have any dinosaur as a pet and you get it as a hatchling. What would it be. Leave a picture cuz im too lazy.
You think could some non avian dinosaurs speaks like modern day parrot?
Capitalism is not a progress innovation system
How to hook potential play-testers?