Fabfilter Pro-R2 ”ducking” not working when sidechaining in Fl Studio
Day 20. Saw a girl naked outside. How is it even legal.
Day 9 no porn or masturbation
Fasting is helping me quit porn
I hope this helps someone
Feeling weak
Going to a chapel to pray after work is helping me
I am planing to take penile doplar guys if it's fine. Can I conclude that it is psychological for my weak errection . I lost sexual feelings.
How can I stop?
Fabfilter Pro-R2 ”ducking” not working when sidechaining in Fl Studio.
Fabfilter Pro-R2 ”ducking” not working when sidechaining in Fl Studio. HELP!
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Over 9 months on semen retention and without p*rn. Anyone else having ”regret over lost time”? 26 years old this year
”XB1” W: souls h: ask
”Xbox” w: Souls h: ask
”xbox” w: Primal Glintstone Blade h: ask
”XBOX” W: Carian Filigreed Crest talisman H: ask
”Xbox” w: relic sword & ruins greatsword h: karma, ask
”Xbox” w: danes armor set h: karma, ask
”XBOX” W: danes footwork & dryleaf whirlwind aow H: karma, ask
”Xbox” w: Milady h: ask
”XBOX” W: Smith script hammer H: ask