Musk is correct: Social Security is a ponzi scheme. Why should Gen Z (and soon Gen A) pay taxes to support a bunch of Boomers when it's likely Gen Z will essentially get only a fraction of what they pay, if anything?
Google censoring TDS?
Since We're Renaming Things...
Quécreen que le haya dolido mas a Canada?
he has the spirit
China hits Canada with retaliatory tariffs on agricultural products
Getting that lymp flowing on the rebounder
Books are better read naked, more memorized
Greetings from Quebec, Canada
The Ukrainian ambassador to the US realising that the billion dollar money laundering racket is finally coming to an end
Appropriate name
Jack Daniel's is being removed from shelves in canada
Working in the office
Constitution of the Canadian American Party
I say that we hit the US with music tariffs!
Ya Buds..Doug Ford eh!
Do you like to eat cheese? Any kind.
Non-Americans only: Did your opinion of the U.S. improve or decline after one month of Trump's administration?
Basketball fun
When do we begin?