Mechanic has had my motorcycle for FOUR months and it’s still not finished
Dual military, One medboarding. Will finances automatically reflect?
I haven’t received my VA disability payment for February yet, and there’s no scheduled payment for March either.
Threw out my back and I can't walk
Anyone here ever use VR&E or Gi Bill to become a game developer?
Let me sketch your dog round 2 ! (send in the comments)
Curious about El Paso (Family moving over there)
Just got rated, I’m in a financial hole, advice appreciated.
20% on the DOD side, 25k severance, advice needed
Still in the process of medboarding but found out I had a heart attack without knowing.
No bullshit. Name an issue in the Army and recommend a change.
About to do my generalized exam in an hour
Back issues, now my bladder is becoming very inconvenient
It wasn't rape, right?
AITAH for not punishing my son for his drawings?
Well fellas... After everything ive been through it was a fuckin girl that broke me?
Shipping tomorrow and terrified
What are the dumbest things you've heard someone say in the Army?
AITA for holding my gf down and forcing her to watch videos of women shooting coke cans out of their vaginas?
I (27m) found out one of the big reasons I married my wife (27f) was a lie. Should I bring it up?
AITAH for filing for divorce because my husband over tightens all the jar lids?
Dirty roommate
AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend when she tested me?
What are the most common tattoos in the army?
Spinal Stenosis Doctor Recommendation