15M first try doing inhales
Car covers ayyyy
Who’s my team lacking?
Legendary tier list
Who likes smash burgers?
"You can just TANK attacks? SuRviVaL iS sO BrAiNdEaD"
Does my Furina have enough HP
I wanna learn new techniques!
First time not screaming in the car lol.
Is there a screaming style that involves inhaling? I think that's how I was taught when I was young, maybe called pig squeal?
Ribrianne is a hidden gem !
I scream for the band Fallujah, have played hundreds of shows with the band, and also teach vocal lessons on the side. Hit me with any questions you have about learning how to scream, and I'll be happy to try to clear things up!
stuck on this
I’ve been trying to get a kind of voiced hardcore adjacent scream. Any resource resources or help?
Is this still a low fry?
Any tips for maintaining compression during fry screams? Also I can't figure out how to do fry screams without using a falsetto register, I'd like any advice about how to do them from chest voice.
How do I make a scream sound more distorted and less breathy?
What can I do to get a better fry scream? Am I on the right track?
Ki Spamming is really back lmao
They gotta add new content to this game…
Yo, yall know goku got this in the game. Base z and base super but also BLUE
I see why y’all hate MUI now.
I would quit too man it’s ok
Sometimes invasions like this make me feel bad
What is the new timing to vanish Broly Z ult?