POV: You are a blonde woman in India
Posting my dog Otis until forsen plays black flag: day 468
am I on the rîgth path? would you read a comic book with this style?
still the best song to date
daily pagman #31
daily prayer to make him stop playing shit (league) and start playing games
for those who enjoy timelapses :) love this mod
daily pagman #30
daily forsen prayer to stop him play league
forsen is my friend (and also BOTS)
Day 535/15560 of being a wage cuck. Wasted 2h cleaning my desk at work and then bought sushi for the money FeelsOkayMan
FINALLY no more League stream
Daily (Not Daily) Gunpla Progress #10
Love this mod so I created some timelapses :)
rip forsenSpectate FeelsBadMan
Return of the daily pagman Paaaag 29
what could realistically save this company?
Day 534/15560 of being a wage cuck. Most common Jim meal without going to Jim Okayeg
Where is today's daily pagman
Bajs stop putting peas into every meal AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
How do you deal with the unfairness of life?
No news is good news?
At the rate of the decline, they’re not going to make it to 2026 without being delisted unless they do something