My Top, Middle and Bottom 15/16
With 6 votes, Katie is eliminated and is in 125th place
About Spencer
Which one of these 4 betrayals hurted the most to see?
With 9 votes, Stephanie is eliminated and is in 126th place
Save two, sacrifice one! Who are you sacrificing, and why?
Which DC Character Do You Find Overrated?
Do your worst!
Vote for someone to leave based on who's most likely to get voted out (no teams) Consider gameplay from the viewpoints of strategic ability, challenge ability, and social ability. (First vote makes the person they voted for eliminated)
Vote for someone to leave based on who's most likely to get voted out (no teams) Consider gameplay from the viewpoints of strategic ability, challenge ability, and social ability.
How would you feel if...
With 4 votes, Samey is eliminated and is in 132nd place
Who's switching To Red Team?
With 3 votes, Ezekiel is eliminated and is in 133rd place
Who's Joining Season 2 of TomJake?
Let be honest...did the characters earn their happy ending?
With 5 votes, Sierra is eliminated and is in 136th place
Serious Question for me
Oh sweet 😊
What if the DCAS teams were sorted like this?
NGL, I hope the TomJake crowdfunding fails.
If the cast from DCA All Stars were in a Scream Movie situation, who would die and who would be the Ghostface Killer?
Since we’re having 18 contestants and 26 episodes, what do you think could happen in some episodes that would extend the episode count?
In a 14-13-3 vote Izzy is eliminated! Vote the person you want to get 2nd Place!🥈
In a 16-10-8-6 vote Tyler is eliminated! Vote to eliminate your least favorite character!