7 week old won’t sleep more than 1 hour in cot anymore but just slept 6 hours in my bed…
I can’t believe how much the newborn phase sucks
Please tell me this will get better - I’m dying
Please tell me this will pass, I’m dying
At what age do babies start to sleep throughout the night?
My baby got lazy after 24 hours of bottles
Was the birth/graduation as bad as you imagine?
Is everyone on baby/parenting subs rich?!?
When did it get easier for you??!
7 week old only doing 2 and 1 hour stretches at night? :(
Some days I just want to sit and do nothing
I wish somebody told me how much newborns actually cry
I need someone to tell me it will get better.
Please tell me things get better...
Baby cries at EVERY diaper change
6 week old waking ever hour in the night now- I’m gonna die
Approx. how many minutes does it take to get your newborn back to sleep after feeding in the middle of the night?
Im too scared to leave my house as a FTM with a newborn
Baby isn’t falling asleep after feeds anymore
How do you get your baby to nap?
6 week old crying all day- stops when held by other people
Am I crazy wanting to stop breastfeeding at 3 months?
6 week old crying constantly
My baby only sleeps in her bassinet during the day
Newborn literally will not nap in the day