Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
For day 18, Dance of Death wins underrated album for Iron Maiden. For day 19, what is Black Sabbath’s best album?
Thoughts on Toe To Toes?
Question about Man in the Box
Write one sentence only your fandom knows the context
Terrible songs by amazing artist
Did you ever noticed the lightnings in the cover forms a M?
Songs that ask a question in the title
Metalheads of r/teenagers, what are your favorite bands?
what song is this for you?
Do you ever stop looting?
This is all I could think up of, any suggestions?
the laws of physics
Songs that mention places of worship
Pt. 2
Guys I just fell in love, I need to fill this up
Who was a better vocalist; Chris Cornell or Layne Staley
Your last saved image made Man cry, what is it?
What y’all think bout the bday dress for my 16th
Does Masturbation stunt growth at teens?
Whens the last time you guys cried?
Are there any stores for good metal clothing
Guys, I have some news. I’m dying. (Not a joke.)
I get at least one of these AI posts recommended to me a day