Most evil FF villain?
Say something nice about her
Finally got back to BL1
MCA record pressings are dogshit!
The worst possible thing that could happen happened
What do you find most attractive about a girl?
Kumano - I'll Cry For You (Original Dance Version)
Rate the room rate the room XD would y'all come over to hangout in here? <:
Any GBA emulators on chromebook?
Good GBA emulator for school Chromebook (no Linux)
Final Fantasy 1&2 Dawn Of Souls “Save Failed”
bl1 GOTY vs Enhanced GOTY?
Best cleaning solution to put in a ultrasonic?
Why is bonehead a pain in the ass to kill
Doing research on my longterm table.
Thought I had a sacred copy of the uncensored version of “There But For The Grace Of God” but the song was still the censored version even though the uncensored was on the lyric sheet -_-
Bro thinks Hitler is cool and looks like this
AVI record pressings are dogshit. PART 2!
I work at an animal shelter, the new dog is weird…
How are people doing Crawmerax
Rate my avatar on Roblox 🎀🤝
Tell me what your favorite game
Borderlands YouTubers.