If you could only watch one season of your favorite sitcom for the rest of your life, which sitcom and which season would you pick?
Ultimate Sitcom Hall of Fame: The 20 Greatest of All Time!
Better Ensemble, Acting, Comedic Timing, Writing, Storylines, Influence and Impact on Sitcoms and Popular Culture— Cheers or Friends?
Sometimes I try to picture how Family Matters would have gone without Urkel as a focus
Sitcom Characters You Would Like Being Friends With?
Sheldon's character development in the last few seasons.
Who’s a popular sitcom character who you wouldn’t want to hang out with in real life?
Which SITCOM kids would you want for siblings?
Anyone noticed that they always eat healthy
Baby/toddler friendly apartment buildings
If you could join a classic SITCOM family, which would you choose from this list?
What's your monthly restaurant spend budget - Philly
Who is the worst sitcom husband and why is it Ray Barone?
Which sitcoms would you eventually like to see streaming?
Who would you say is the funniest character on the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Why do people hate Amy?
Besties ❤️
If you could remove any person from Big Bang Theory who would it be and why?
Moment in a sitcom that made you stop watching
Anyone else love Just Shoot Me?
Funny family friendly sitcoms
Which sitcom had the best theme song in your opinion?
Which show would you pick out of these three ?
Rewatching the series from the beginning and Spencer is a piece of work.
Never forget