Getting plastic surgery for marriage prospects?
My face is deformed
Having a very difficult time with marriage proposals because of my family’s peculiar situation. Need advice
Met a guy in arranged marriage setup. His family is very dependent on him? Red flag?
Marrying a man with a family who is very dependent on him?
Visiting for Umrah. What’s some traditional Arab food that I should try?
Umrah permit?
I feel uncomfortable going for Umrah due to the Saudi government
So his replacement is basically Hassan Nasrallah from Aliexpress
The biggest threat for the Muslim Ummah is the "cute Islam" and the Munafiqeen leaders
Why are so many “conservative” muslim men obsessed with women?
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I want to become more spiritual? How do i worship more?
Sincere advice from an unmarried 28 year old sister
Stop blaming women for not being married
Weekly Marriage Criteria & Services Megathread!
All my dates end up saying they don’t feel a connection
90's folks can relate this!
I have nothing