Question for the real bartards?
19 years old addicted to Fent how do I see about getting subs prescribed
Need guidance on what to do next…
LPD method PIC
Alvogen > Mylan > Dr Reddy
Subs on backorder, anyone else having this issue?
False high after thinking about certain drugs?
I never get withdrawals??
Strange WD symptom..
Advice on feeling the euphoria again
I wish I listened to you guys
Suboxone might end my marriage
am i the only one who finds brimazolam less potent than alprazolam
22+ yr habit, on & off sub since 06. Countless relapses, horrid WD. Opioid free for 27 days from 8mg sub. WD didn't happen. Why?
Buvidal injection
These slap!
Opioids would stop sub withdrawal right?
Methadone in dirty 30s??
Happy Monday yall 🤪
Taper or cold turkey?
Your experience with Alcohol while on Subs?
Best benzo on methadone
Real xans-+ plastic xans
Hello everyone its been quite a while since my last post. Since then I've moved to Europe and finally got my life slightly more on track but that doesn't mean I don't allow myself to have fun every once in a while.
Strength Difference in Generics