Which game is this for you?
Which brand do you boycott for a petty reason ?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Nasty nasty nasty!
What is your emotional support sitcom?
Peter please help
Who would you cast to be mr sinister in the MCU
There are 4 UK player jerseys on the TikTok Shop and somehow this is one of them
Which would you choose?
So symbiote don’t HAVE to take over the hosts brain?
Is Guardians of the Galaxy on the PS5 good?
What hero makes you feel the most like “I am [insert hero name]” instead of I am playing “ [insert hero name]?”
You can choose any One former wildcat to build your 2026 team. Who is your star to win it all?
What games will be released before GTA 6?
Unironically one of my fav films ever.
When are we gonna see this in the MCU💀
How NFL media and fans be right now
Provide a review - up to 3 words only
Who remembers Hang Time?
Oh, I’m pretty sure measles are making a comeback by
F and H were chosen based on 2nd top comment Because the quotes started from different alphabets, I forr??
What was your silly mistake when starting? Here is mine!
Mark Brunell probably not a HOF QB. Only himself to blame? Or victim of bad circumstances?
Celtics fans not from Boston, what made you a Celtics fan?!
Any past Steelers that randomly pop up in your mind?