Hey Reddit, what is the worst message you accidentally sent to the wrong person?
What’s your #1 desired balance change for Pokemon?
If you could live in one game world, which one would you choose?
Congressman hosting Townhall. Where the hell are all the young people?
What Pokemon get eaten the most?
What are some "chick flicks" that you're willing to admit are guilty pleasure watches?
Am I the only one that thinks this?
Rodney in Nashville didn't expect his job to be trash that was taken out
Do Americans ever question this?
(hated tropes) Characters who considered ugly or unwanted in-universe but like… how?!
When was the last time Terry updated anyone on anything?
How the triangle voted in the 2024 Presidential election by precinct. Also included swing map.
After rewatching every film back to back I believe Revenge of the Sith is George's greatest film. The magnum opus of Star Wars.
How do I learn to pee with perfect laminar flow?
Do yearbooks really matter before HS senior year?
Men who rejected a woman, what was your main reason?
Would it be a dick move to order Uber eats today?
ELI5: Should I deposit cash into a HSA account in order to pay medial bills?
Thoughts on the workouts for a beginner? Or Starri as a daily workout?
What is in the water in Japan??
The straw myth
What are some “girlier” songs that you enjoy?
Any Dad’s Crush on Catie?
Why can't men/boys find anything in fridges, drawers or cupboards ?