OH : Reminder for anywhere
Who's winning this?
I hate modern life
No way bro, is Mark that strong??
Big Beautiful Men & Big Beautiful Women
[Hated Trope] When you think the protagonist is just some random but it turns out they're actually related to the strongest person of all time
Dies. Dies a lot. Like a lot a lot.
What anime are you defending like this
I don’t think he gets appreciated enough
Blazblue be like
Name a cartoon/character that fit this
Happens all the time
Real talk who wins this?
Anybody else not really excited for the Phineas And Ferb revival?
Processing (Part 3) - Gator Days (OC)
Trump to make death penalty mandatory for 'anyone who murders a police officer'
Democrats hate cancer patients
I can hear this image...
How the Fxck can you be happy with everything that's going on?!
does he do anything else?
Beginner friendly HC combo
Can you name the most overrated character(s) in the fiction?
What’s your ocs opinion on Nick? He’ll say his opinion too!