North Korea whyyyy 😢💔
Trump about to send out stimulus. Get ready folks!
This is the end of the dip?
Patience is key 🐸🚀
Are we cooked ?
Turbo rn….🚀
I need help
Retail hop on and see a yellow toad 🐸🐸🚀🚀🚀🚀
Love to see it
Yeah we got hammered
What are we expecting on 17th ?
Turbo and recent listings to Coinbase show same pattern…
Bruh my sister just got this notification... this is wild
2 cents incoming deadass
Turbo Sol Wormhole
Fucking finally
Another 100 new members in here. The growth is impressive
YO! we are good my people
We’re trending again on cmc :)
Turbo Theory
Wtf #17 trending on CoinMarketCap 😭 BULLISH ON TURBO
On the next episode of Turbo Toad Z
Turbo a sleeping giant. 2 cents incoming…
Big pump, then a sell off? It's not all bad....