Need help deciding what to upgrade on my PC
I just got hired as an ophthalmic technician (I give eye exams). I've been telling people I get to do this for a living.
Stratagems bouncing genuinely adds *nothing* to the game
[OC] Another proposal for re-arming vehicles
My Mostly Finished Armor
I just want to play again squids
These things need a redesign/buff, **nobody** uses them
"Why would I use ______ when ______ is so much better"
Please give our flame weapons some range!
Am I the only one who doesn't look at armor stats and just uses the coolest looking one?
Update to Stealth Warbond (OC)
Arrowhead! A proposal for tougher, bigger, enemies.
Have people gotten tired of fighting the Illumiante's limited roster?
I keep hearing the Adjudicator is either extremely strong or complete garbage with literally nothing inbetween
I don't understand why Arrowhead can't give us mini gun for face.
A slight miscalculation
I would like a stealth oriented warbond over a minigun personally
I want my goddamn MINIGUN
Pilestedt on backpack-fed machine guns and a potential minigun.
Spartan Style Armour
What if we blow up pyramids since they're made by the illuminate
The way it emerges...
Ok... Hear me out... Trauma Team.