ideas for a creative job/field for someone who loves art/music/creativity but doesn’t actively play music or make art other than the occasional gifts
i’m pregnant, planning for an abortion..should i stop until the procedure ?
butt pimples ? cold sores ?
I’m done..
wanting to start birth control with spiro
Purging? 😭
birth control & spiro
Can you help me pick a name for my cat? It's a young girl and she's constantly sneezing.
Do different manufacturers affect your body differently?
Skin worse than ever
Did libido get better for you?
potassium levels
Update following derm visit
I am going insane
Boob Size Withdrawals
manufacturer question -ZYDUS
No Dairy, No Eggs Keto is Hard as Hell! Keto beginner advice for getting started
Weight related to acne?
Anyone not using a tracker app and having success on Keto?
What did Keto do to your hormones?
What to eat when feeling snacky?
Acne Problem
HELP!!!!!!! (24 female)
[Acne] can you clear up hormonal acne without taking medication for it?
Please help !!!