Which Sith Lord from the EU had you the most sympathy for?
Who would win and why?
Which character can beat a serious Anya?
Naruto is about ninjas right ?
Sidious and his force storms were really hard on my suspension of disbelief.
What's the best Josei anime?
Don't judge me too harshly...
Man strips his clothes and jumps into freezing cold water to save a random person
Scariest anime character
Favorite Child Murderer
Game integrity is awful
I think these two synergies extremely well! Highly reccomend!
The villian literallycreated the hero
Some spiders disguise themselves as ants by pretending their two front legs are antennae. More than 300 species of spiders are known to mimic the outward appearance of ants, a phenomenon called myrmecomorphy.
Nothing stops the Dutch from cycling
What’s the LAST Peak show you watched?!!!
Leopard thought he could eat a Baboon in front of his whole troop.
Demonic entities that act out of understandable rules rather than malice
A thunderstorm can sometimes birth a rarely seen phenomenon in Earth's atmosphere: RED SPRITES
Bro offended an entire nation
Any mc ptv fic suggestions?
Mute all mentality needs to stop
Pilot flies extremely low to perfectly drop fire retardant on a CA wildfire
Let's have it
The dragon Smaug and the Balrog have entered the world of Harry Potter. How much trouble will they cause?