Not snark..lumpy and alcohol...
"I'm gonna be done with the night shifts for now" gonna cosleep again "I feel super safe cosleeping with them"
"feels like my brain is bleeding" SEE A DOCTOR PLEASE
Money makers, I mean milk makers
What a lovely gift she gave him
Chris playing daddy
Boys date started
The Appointment
Just dying to get Botox
Thinks poetry is teething "obviously gonna go to a dentist or something" & thrush is better, used baking soda
Place your votes!
Baby schedule
Her surprise for Jesse
The Surprise…..
Thrush back
“It’s gonna get better, it’s gonna get easier”
Francesca woke Jesse up after 4 hours so she could sleep for 10💩
Can’t pee because of pocket !
Is she okay
Jesse’s new Instagram video 🥴
Jesse, dude… do yourself a favor and get off Reddit and get a THERAPIST
The one night with them