I am starting to like Sarper
How big of a problem is Fentanyl in the United States, really?
What are we doing wrong?
Show me your cats
Henry crossed the rainbow bridge
Jasmine has never heard of emotional cheating.
Okay yall, I'm so confused..
Boyfriend thinks she’s ugly, she’s just a bit slow
Best Friend.....RIP....
She said this.
Want one of those really tall milkshakes cake monstrosities
Respect for Ari
Smiles for a boop
Getting ready for a boop
Emergency Dentist
The Jasmine bashing…
What does my fridge say about me?
My Sweet Boy
Jasmine says she has full custody of her children and will move back to Panama permanently if their visa petition gets rejected
Weight loss tips
Rip Oliver
My mom passed away from cancer and today I brought her best friend, Jensen, back to my house. His new forever home. 💜
Look at this beautiful birthday girl. Francie (F) is 5 today!