Dog food
Is Stephen Hilton in Australia?
Jasmine says she has full custody of her children and will move back to Panama permanently if their visa petition gets rejected
What everyone’s sour dough starters names?
New psychiatrist “doesn’t believe” in intermittent dosing
People are SO much Friendlier when you have a Puppy
It’s a busy night, Laura has a relaunch and I see someone posted Stephen’s new manic episode (blocked on tiktok)
When the guy you're talking to looks just like your stepdad
I’m speechless 🤢
Positive reward vs positive punishment
Looking for the best brush for my goldendoodle
“Real One Rob”
Auroras boyfriend
How to Prevent Matting? Need Advice!
In case anyone wants to see the latest video from this musical genius..
This just really was awful…
Dog names that sound like a human name?
Boy names that start with B?
AIO I (28f), met this guy (37m) on a dating app and we spoke for about 3 days but I found a connection with someone else and he threatened me
Do you use separate commands for “go pee pee” and “go poo poo” or just one universal “go potty?”
Heartbroken and Seeking Advice About Our Reactive Dog
PMDD what day is the worst for you- ovulation or period?