(28M) My loft in East Harlem
What would you call this style, trying to pickup a new style and loving these looks
His first day at my place and still unsure of his surroundings might as well give him a name any suggestions?
Netflix is now restricting some shows if you have an plan that has advertisements
President Trump recites false social security stats for 3 minutes.
Do you think the hunters cock and balls stink really bad?
Mixue is now the world's largest fast food chain
Newbie Help!
Honestly, I think there will never be the change we want in the United States.
Where Does "Buy It for Life" Not Make Sense?
From where you are buying the parts for the builds guys ?
I've tried reading Neuromancer twice and couldn't get into it. It's incomprehensible.
Question: why isn’t stuff like this done to solve the housing issues in America?
Rate my cat from 1-10
Any idea’s on what to do with this section?
CEO of Girl Scouts got $803,000 salary in 2023 but every year I see children getting exploited by them to do it.
People who think The Switch 1's Outdated specs are the reason why Pokémon ZA looks the way it does ignore these games
It’s Weird That Eggs Were Ever Cheap
The Pokémon Charm
My favourite skyline and skyscrapers out of any city in North America… Calgary
Damn. Bloodborne already feels better to play and explore than any Dark Souls game.
There's a change with how pokemon look
Is this a scam?
I will not stop until I’ve won everyone over.
Perfection is the enemy of progress?