Ever notice how the app never improves
King of the Hill Predicts the 2025 Real Estate Market
Who Would you Vote for in 2008 + State you live in (I will make this map)
What is the shadiest thing you have seen your competitor do?
Do you think George Bush was actually an idiot, or was he a secret mastermind just playing a character to make his opponents misunderestimate him?
Oh That’s My Fat
Do you ever raise the price on an eBay listing when it has been listed for a long while?
Dang, man, ol', don't, no way, man, talkin' bout dang ol' sanctity of marriage, man
Is there a Way on the iPhone Gmail App to Do a “Ctrl+F” Type Search to Scan Lengthy E-Mails?
How Did YOU Stand Out from the Competition When You First Opened/Entered a New Market?
What does hank hill love the most
Connie Wishes You a Happy Black History Month…JK! Happy Valentine’s Day…But FYI, it is Black History Month
Happy Valentine’s Day
How Do You Think Bug Gribble and Juan Pedro Spend Valentine’s Day?
Nothing is more 80s than these haircuts
Which boutiques have died?
So I’ve Been Playing an Umbrella for 30 Years?
What the…
I spin the biggest yarns west of the Rockies.
Snog, Marry, Avoid, Shag - Big Kezzer, Punky red head, Daisy and driving instructor
Any YouTube Channel Recommendations for Concise Videos About Obscure Mass Killer Cases?
Of the 3 major Democratic candidates in 1968, who would have made the best President
Favorite Peep Show Episode Ending?
Are Muffin Stumps Really That Bad?
I Wish Everywhere Was as Good at Clearing the Snow as Hannaford’s Parking Lot