Leaving the field and couldn't be happier
Help a Psych Student finish their Thesis!
How to prepare for a Masters of Clinical Psychology interview?
How many cycles did it take you? (Question time)
Baby went from 50tb to 5th height percentile
Returning for PhD
Question for C.Psychs in their supervised practice year or recently finished
Would you have wanted your minor hypospadias fixed in infancy/childhood or not?
Do you still remember your first ever client?
If there really is something wrong with me, will I get taken away?
Clients are surprised I can't see them while they are driving
When did it click?
What's the one thing you wished someone else did it for you?
Lower maternal education levels associated with more positive child mental health outcomes?
Can Unmedicated ADHD Women Experience Success?
Hooded foreskin
Is therapy cold?
What annoys you most about yourself as a therapist?
Baby weight percentiles? Why does dropping numbers not matter?
What Did YOU Get Paid As An Intern
What RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) triggers have you never mentioned to anyone?
Would you report a therapist client if you felt they were being unethical?
I feel like some clinicians abuse the idea of being person-centered as a justification to essentially do nothing during therapy
Do Columbia Omniheat jackets have PFAs and can your body absorb dangerous amounts from wearing them?
PSA: I also hate writing notes, but please stop training out robot replacements