pop of a button [reveal]
what a sight
Can anyone tell me the name of this artist?
You’re kidding
Turned out perfect I'm sure he will love it.
It be like that.
Are these Luke Cage titles actually reference to something?
Favorite Family Guy line?
FOMO much? every. day. … just in case…
Komi Can´t Communicate Ending 5 (The 100 Friend is...)
(CL 1.7k) Are there any replacements for Sera or hazmat in this deck?
Breaking Bad is the best show I've ever seen, except maybe The Wire.
Hit the Jackpot
Pawnshop Purchase
Hey MarvelSnap best players !
I love the scene where Peter pushes Bonnie against the wall and does her lunch.
Luck was on my side
Which one?
The show fell off after Cleveland got a new voice
Infinite with Moonstone Ultron (CL 15.5K)
Who is your favorite side character that has only been in one episode?
How many times have they Retconned Joes legs stories