I was playing with TM trainer and suddenly all pick-ups turned into these ghosts and I haven't seen them before, can someone tell me what they are?
wtf do I buy
I went slowly to avoid miss clicking
Wait… what???
I’m confused? Does Cain/ lucky foot still only give good pills?
PFG's website now redirects to WB's site
Newish player, what the hell just happened
SMTV:V Demon navigator information seems to be weirdly incomplete (Possible spoilers about late game locations)
Thinking about leaving the USA
How sad do you have to be to camp in arena 18…
What do you think of the berkano rework that happened resently?
Is this like a greed mode exclusive curse room or just super rare?
PlayerFirstGames website is back up
can someone tell me how much rare is this room
Hope for Digital Devil Survivor 3 to have SMT V artstyle
Nocturne's difficulty from an outsider perspective
You cant troll, doom, or hate, away someone's love for this game even if it's shutting down.
SMT4 doesn't play around with the instant aggro. I hate the ones that predict where you're going the most
Made some alt color schemes for some demons last night for fun
This battle is the biggest pile of dog shit I have ever had to endure.
This is like those racist wojack caricatures
Was the mvs rerelease just a cashgrab to make up for kill the justice league?🤔
"Anime bad and anyone who watches it should go to jail"
Worst balance changes in a while lol (and that’s saying something)
"I'll be on reddit all day don't worry" redditor happy to spend hours arguing with people online