Shias and the christians
BREAKING: The leader of the Saraya Ansar Al Sunnah, the group behind the attacks on the Alawites has been captured by the Syrian Millitary Police. He has been identified as Abu Radek Al Polani.
Glad this sub exists
If Isr*el set Bashar up as a puppet in Latakia would you still support him
RIP this sub
How it feels being Syrian on social media
Mentos already packaged inside
Palestinian Cola! A lot stronger and better quality than Coca Cola
how r/ syriancivilwar feels like right now
May Allah make this sub funny again
The lion of Damascus 🦁
Courageous man in Mashhad, Iran, defends a woman against morality police. Despite ongoing crackdowns, many brave women continue their civil disobedience.
Boys you gonna love this , the barrel went full circle 🛢️ .
"Huras Al-Din will never come Back." Huras Al-Din coming back:
Holy shit, pink backpack guy took the headquarters of the 107th brigade of HTS.
The main sub is worse than r/ukraine. 3 curses on their vile jihad supporting liberals
I'm glad the alawites have such a good friend in Israel
not even a day lmao
Communist flair missing
Season Two of Syrian Civil War is finally here. This time, the Ba'ath is the rebellion, a change in dynamic I really enjoy so far
We are so back boys
What country was this before the USSR?
Flag of Kurdistan if it was good
Flag of the People's Caliphate