Giant Douche vs Horse Shit Sandwich
When'd you guys turn against Walter?
FanDuel on one of the biggest betting days of the year
The best scenario for us Non-Eagles Fans
Corrado shot Tony
Luvu Hates The Tush Push
What are peoples thoughts on Ralph?
[JPAFootball] "The Titans are interested in drafting Abdul Carter or Travis Hunter at 1 overall and “not as interested” in taking a quarterback, per @adamschefter on @weeisports"
Starting to feel like the main characters are not that good people
Abdul Carter No Matter What
Saquon Barkley has won 16 Games as an took him five years to win 16 games as a Giant
Is Big Puss anyone else’s favourite character?
Unpopular opinion: Paulie was annoying as fuck
How do we think this guy felt waking up this morning?
What is your “I did not care for the Godfather” take on Tyler?
When did you lose respect for Tony?
How I would’ve started the show
Saints reportedly looking to trade Derek Carr. Any interest?
The Take away with Tony overall was he did the “Right” things as a Man, but wrong as a Mobster.
Is Walter a sociopath or narcissist?
Carmella killed Tony
S2E1: Pussy?
Did AJ slip into the crime life?
Just finished the whole series and boy I’m depressed
how old were u when u got into tyler