What is a toe link
Going to a regional without cfi
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Those who have left - what is your new job?
Pulled the trigger.
Im just confused
Am i fired/can i protect myself here?
What went wrong during your cross countries?
I want a career change into aviation
Why does life have to exist?
I've just eaten shrooms for the first time, wish me luck
Car is misaligned after sitting overnight
Customers be like…
I don’t think I have what it takes to be a pilot
So, 2024 is about to end. How was it for you?
Day 3 of Getting Every US County From Comments
This would be a fun post if yall can provide this lol
Day 2 of Getting Every US County From Comments
Got a feeling the boys will appreciate this one
What's the most useless thing you still have memorized?
Does anyone like their dsp?
What is something you think you are better at than the average person?
How do I let my brother know I can hear him “getting busy” in the middle of the night?
me for this sub
What's your scary story while in the sky?