Greavard crimp?
is this rare?
Reddit Plays Pokemon Trading Card Game Live: Day 6- The Menace
Got a stall deck to concede
How do I only see my solo parts when they are needed?
Why do people not use the booster 😭
Is this bubble mew real?
Amazon Help
I can not stand mill and stall decks
Finally reached sub 1000! It's getting pretty hard to actually find games now.
Gapejaw Bog bug
Suggestions for my take on Palafin?
Pulled this guy and found it’s considered the highest priced none-Eeveelution Masterball in the set. Anyone know why?
What is this?
Roundworms surgically removed from a kitten at my work
PSA: Celebrations packs now only award four cards. They are literally only doing this to reduce credit economy. They are purposefully making it harder for us to enjoy the game.
Another Arceus post
Idk if this is a meta deck but I put this together and it's fun.
Made it on a streak of 5
Janine/Dark Energy Bug
Who gets cancelled out?
A great price for this on eBay, just concerned if it looks legit?
I have too many code cards