I really like Fallout 4
I wanted that pink color gun... the only way to get it is to kill him?
What is your biggest crush among all the Fallout games and why?
If the minutemen were to become a nation like the NCR where would you think their capital should be?
Tá caindo o mundo aí também?
Alguém poderia me ajudar? Quero troca o email dessa conta, porém não consigo porque pede a senha e eu não onde fica..
this is my refuge
[FO4] Is there any mod to add ballistic fiber to the refuge jumpsuit?
Today I did my final with the Minutemen
Mod for pregnancy and babies?
O presente que minha gata me deu, uma lagartixa haha
Liso ou Cacheado, podem ser sinceros.
Qual seu filme de animação preferido?
What do you NOT want in the next Fallout game?
Qual frase te marcou e porque?
[FO4] Is there any mod so I can recruit Dance as a companion after completing the end with the Institute?
Today I did the ending with the Institute, I liked it, it was satisfying to destroy the BOS with the Institute, I haven't done the ending with the Minutemens yet, I'm going to start it now.
What is your favorite faction in Fallout 4 ????
I finished blind betrayal, how can I now do the ending with the minutemen? Do I just have to attack the institute and talk to Preston?
gym here at the sanctuary is crowded
the only companion who doesn't judge me if I steal and kill.
The store that never lacks people
Could he be praying for the Brotherhood?
Você toma Banho de Chinelo ou Não?
Como o homem deve gemer na hora do sexo?