Chronically ill partner is jealous of me and it is causing problems
Does anyone on here have ME/CFS & IIH together? Linked conditions?
Tried LMNT today
Horrific, weird head symptoms - if anyone had them - what helped?
Could this be because of ozempic
Fainting vs Seizures experiences?
Frustrated with Tilt Table Test Instructions
Have you been diagnosed with Somatic Symptom Disorder before you were diagnosed with your current illness? If so, drop your story below
Are you taking one of the new weight loss medicines?
N mom & enabling father wants more access to baby - driving me nuts!
Do i need extra sodium/electrolytes? HyperPots & IIh
What is your timeline of events? What is your story?
Has anyone donated blood with POTS?
For people who started on Diamox/Topamax and ended up getting a shunt or stent, was it worth it? Did a lot of the side effects that were there with the meds go away after the procedure?
Advice Please: Negative Comments from Coworkers
Can you guys work? Do you? How are you holding up financially these days? Are you from the US, Canada or EU?
Will I ever sleep again?
Will 5mg yield better results?
Thinking about being a chronic illness "influencer"
Pregnancy on Diamox
Muffled Hearing/Congestion in Ears
When did your period come back ?
Anyone else has severe fatigue after eating?
CFS/ME and PoTS crossover - how to tell the difference?
Anyone who decided to have just one kid