My bf refuses to buy me female products (pads) and now I’m upset..
Suggestions for quality affordable outdoor furniture
Valleyview apartments approved by council. Mayor objects to too much rental housing like it's a bad thing?
Anniversary date night / weekend away ideas?
Gonna paint my door, tell me what colour you think looks best
Paint Opinions
Seniors serving up fries to cover Mayors court costs
Moved houses a couple weeks ago. Today neighbor left this in the mailbox
I was embarrassed by my attempt at a fruit platter but everyone had good words to say about it. I feel so happy!
Creepy bugs in BC, Canada
Rental advice
AIO for telling my gf to respect my mum?
What color rug to pair with this one?
This is funny, but it also shows that people take responsibility for their (cat’s) actions.
Downtown parking - do I still have to move after 3 hours if parking 4pm-8pm?
What was your worst experience on a long flight?
How do Canadians greet foreigners or strangers in general?
Is this a good place to move to?
When eating dinner, is it common for Canadians to eat their side dishes one by one?
Sports cards
This is not normal.. Harvesting tomatoes and basil in November in Zone 8a
Anything happening on November 16?
They were being racist to her so I got her a friend
Halloween Events